The Five Essential Handbags you Must Own


Of all the accessories in a woman’s wardrobe, almost everyone can agree that a handbag is the most important. When it comes to completing an outfit, a handbag can truly make or break the look. And while it's true that one can never have too many handbags, it certainly doesn’t mean that one should buy mindlessly. Trendy women’s designer handbags are an ever-changing fashion category, and endless new designs are made every other month. Keeping up with each trend is practically neither possible nor sensible.



Handbags are perhaps the most functional accessory in a woman’s closet. These elegant style additions rightly hold the title of being a woman’s best friend. While handbags come in and go out of fashion many times, there have and will always be timeless designs that are sure to look right in place all year round. An investment in a good handbag that will serve many occasions is much better than having a bunch of mediocre options that will most probably end up getting stacked at the end of your closet.

Unlike what many people think, a good quality women’s designer handbag that is sure to last doesn’t have to cost a bomb. You also don’t need to buy a specific one to match each outfit. The truth is that unless you have a highly diverse fashion sense, most handbags and purses can go quite well with most outfits. Most minimal style handbags are made to suit all occasions.


If you find yourself agreeing with the above points and want to know how to have a small, yet complete, handbag wardrobe, then keep reading. We have compiled a list of 5 handbags that are sure to keep you ready for any occasion. Whether you are going to work and are going out for an evening right after, or are out on a formal evening, you are sure to look cleaned up.


The Timeless Clutch:

The clutch should be a standard accessory in every woman’s wardrobe. Handle-less and sling-less, yet convenient and light, the clutch can be used to carry important things like credit cards, IDs, cash, and lip gloss. While clutches can be found in a variety of designs and colours, it is always good to stick to bold shades and subtle patterns. When it comes to classic designs, the black formal clutch has no rival. A good quality black formal clutch can be styled for work, an informal night-out, and everything in between.



Sling/Messenger Bag:

When it comes to sling bags or messenger bags with detachable slings, handmade leather handbags are the top choice. However, if you are a vegan or stray away from leather, there are nowadays quite a few options in luxury vegan handbags. These imitate the look and feel of natural leather and are just as durable. Luxury vegan handbags also make for great vegan gift ideas for friends and family.


Tote Bag:

Tote bags are large sized handbags that are made for function. If you are someone who puts function over form, but doesn’t want to compromise with your look and style, tote bags are right up your alley. Tote bags can carry your belongings through the day and still manage to look classy.


Take your tote bag with you to work, or use it to carry all your essentials for school, gym, or even keep it handy when you’re travelling. The ultimate versatile accessory, tote bags can be found in a practically endless range of styles, colours and designs. Whether you prefer natural fibers or leather, or something efficient like synthetic or vegan leather, there surely is a tote bag for everyone.


Belt Bags:

Hands free and efficient yet super stylish, belt bags are a timeless fad when it comes to street style fashion. This two-in-one accessory will not only fit in all your essentials, but double up as a belt for skirts and denims. 


Weekend Bag:

Weekend bags like duffle bags or backpacks can be used for a hundred occasions. Basically, these functional bags are designed to let your hands and arms stay free while you move. Whether you’re out shopping and want to keep your essentials with you or are on a weekend getaway with friends, a backpack ensures that you don’t have to worry about baggage space. Backpacks and duffle bags are essential items at any stage of life, so when you’re investing in one, make sure you don’t compromise on the quality or look of your purchase, because you’re very likely to keep it for a long time.


